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ERDDAP > tabledap > Subset ?

Dataset Title:  Ground temperature data from multiple sources Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Various institutions   (Dataset ID: pn_erddap_all_ground_temperature)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Files | Make a graph

Select a subset:      (Current number of distinct combinations of matching data: 121)
Make as many selections as you want, in any order. Each selection changes the other options (and the map and data below) accordingly.

    site_name ?  =  121 options
    creator_name ?  =  7 options
    permafrost_status ?  =  1 option:
    vegetation_type ?  =  1 option:

View:      Map of All Related Data ?      Distinct Data Counts ?     Distinct Data ?      Related Data Counts ?     Related Data ?

Map of All Related Data ?   (Refine the map and/or download the image)

To view the map, check View : Map of All Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Distinct Data Counts ?

To view the counts of distinct combinations of the variables listed above,
check View : Distinct Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.


Distinct Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)  

site_name creator_name permafrost_status vegetation_type
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-01 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-05 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-06 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-07 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-08 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-09 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-10 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-11 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-14 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-15 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
AAM_ClintonCk_BH18-17 Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch
CAS_94-321 CAS
CAS_94-331 CAS
CAS_94-334 CAS
CAS_94-344 CAS
CAS_94-349 CAS
CAS_94-355 CAS
HPW_AlaskaHwy_km1457_field Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_AlaskaHwy_km1457_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_AlaskaHwy_km1715_field Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_AlaskaHwy_km1715_road Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_AlaskaHwy_km1715_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_AlaskaHwy_NKlondike Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_BeaverCreekTown_road Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Braeburn Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Carcross Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Carmacks Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Dempster_km124_field1 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Dempster_km124_field2 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Dempster_km124_road Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Dempster_km124_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Dempster_km421_field Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Dempster_km421_road Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Dempster_km421_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DempsterCutoff Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DomeRoad Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DruryCreek Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_102_155 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_102_156 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_102_157 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_102_158 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_102_159 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_103_161 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_103_162 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_103_163 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_103_164 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_DryCreek_103_165 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_HainesJctBridge Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Junction37 Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_KlondikeCamp Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_MayoAirport_field Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_MayoAirport_road Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_MayoAirport_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_10_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_11_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_12_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_12_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_1_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_1_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_1_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_2_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_2_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_2_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_3_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_3_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_4_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_4_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_5_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_5_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_5_toe Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_6_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_7_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_8_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_9_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_9_slope Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_orig_berm Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_orig_centre Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Shakwak_orig_natural Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Sklondike_AlaskaHwy Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_StewartCrossing Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_WatsonScales Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
HPW_Willow_road Yukon Government, Department of Highways and Public Works, Transportation Engineering Branch
KZK_K15-330 KZK
KZK_K15-331 KZK
KZK_K15-335 KZK
KZK_K15-336 KZK
KZK_K16-387 KZK
KZK_K16-389 KZK
KZK_K16-390 KZK
KZK_K16-392 KZK
KZK_K16-395 KZK
KZK_K16-402 KZK
KZK_K16-410 KZK
KZK_K16-411 KZK
KZK_K16-412 KZK
Vuntut_HL Parks Canada
Vuntut_TH Parks Canada
YGS_BeaverCreek Panya Lipovsky
YGS_CanolRd Panya Lipovsky
YGS_Cowley_Creek_BH1 Panya Lipovsky
YGS_DawsonDump Panya Lipovsky
YGS_DawsonSchool Panya Lipovsky
YGS_Faro Panya Lipovsky
YGS_FishLk_BH1 Panya Lipovsky
YGS_Hamilton_Blvd_HB_BH1 Panya Lipovsky
YGS_HiddenValley Panya Lipovsky
YGS_RossRiver Panya Lipovsky
YGS_Takhini_thawslump_AHkm1456_B Panya Lipovsky
YGS_TakhiniValley Panya Lipovsky
YGS_USArray_E29M_BlowRiver Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Geological Survey 
YGS_USArray_G29M_PineCk Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Geological Survey 
YGS_USArray_H29_Whitestone Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Geological Survey 
YGS_USArray_H31M_PeelRiver Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Geological Survey 
YGS_USArray_I30M_MtDempster Yukon Government, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Geological Survey 
YGS_WatsonLake Panya Lipovsky

In total, there are 121 rows of distinct combinations of the variables listed above. All of the rows are shown above.
To change the maximum number of rows displayed, change View : Distinct Data above.

Related Data Counts ?

To view the related data counts,
check View : Related Data Counts above and select a value for one of the variables above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

Related Data ?   (Metadata)    (Refine the data subset and/or download the data)

To view the related data, change View : Related Data above.

WARNING: This may involve lots of data. For some datasets, this may be slow. Consider using this only when you need it and have selected a small subset of the data.

ERDDAP, Version 2.18
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